The Golden Keytriever©                                                                               

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                                     About Us

Welcome to the Golden Keytriever web site. Golden Keytriever  is a Division of   Joco International, Inc of Tampa Florida. We welcome this opportunity to talk about our Division and the Golden Keytriever  system that will do so much to enhance your personal security.   If you like our site, tell all your colleagues and friends. If you don't like it, please tell us for we appreciate and welcome the advice of our clients. Like Joco, we  consider our customers as long term partners who collaborate with us to ensure the system provided is the one that best satisfies their needs. 

Our Mission

 Joco's credo “Keeping yours, yours and enhancing your security” is also the mission of the  Golden Keytriever. Golden Keytriever is a lost key recovery system. Golden Keytriever is focused on providing our clients with the most efficient means  to recover lost or misplaced keys. The concept is simple,  clients are provided with an elegant jewelry quality bronze key tag containing a unique registration number and a request that finder deposit in mail box.  The tag also contains the address of the Golden Keytriever  registry  and a postage guarantee.  When this set of "lost" keys is received at the Golden Keytriever Registry, the client is identified by the unique registration number and the keys are returned to the client. The recovery system shields the identity of the owner and the doors they will open while increasing the possibility that these keys will be returned to the owner in case they are lost.

Company Profile

Golden Keytriever

Joco  coordinates its activities with national and local law enforcement authorities and acts within the guidelines of the local Better Business Bureau and Chamber of Commerce. 

 Antoine Jones is the Founder and President of Joco, Antoine is a graduate of American University's   Kogod School of Business. He founded the corporation in 1992 during his third year of high school  to market personal security devices.    The name Joco is in honor of his parents.  The J and O are the first two letters in his fathers  name  and the C and O are the first two letters in his mothers maiden name. The association of their names with the corporation is meant to inspire Joco to  provide others the same level of personal security that Antoine felt his parents had provided him.

A little trivia or -- whence the name “Golden Keytriever”?

The service being offered is so unique that there was no word that properly described it. From the beginning the words Retrieve and  Retriever were at the forefront in our search for the best description.

RETRIEVE;  to recover (ex. to retrieve a lost article) or, to restore (ex. to retrieve one's fortune)

RETRIEVER: A breed of dog know for its ability to find game which has been killed or wounded by the hunter and returning the game to the hunter. The most popular of this breed are the Labrador, Chesapeake Bay and the Golden Retriever.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER struck a chord for it contained the elements we wanted for our system. Gold has long been the standard of valuable things and your  keys are valuable.  Retrieve is what the system does so we took some  liberties with the spelling  and came up with the word Keytriever.

Golden Keytriever:    A system developed in 1992 by Antoine G Jones of Tampa Florida to maintain the confidentiality of the doors a set of keys will open and while at the same time increasing the possibility that these keys are returned to you the owner in case they are lost.   

We  selected Goldky our Golden Keytriever as our symbol. This is a   picture of him  from which  the Golden Keytriever  tags were struck. Like his Golden Retriever cousins his picture is the vision of the strength, patience, cunning and perseverance which the Golden Keytriever system shows in protecting its clients interests. Goldky is often found at the Golden Keytriever Registry waiting to serve you.  

Contact Information

    813 977-0029
    813 977-8436
Postal Address
    Post Office Box 26064, Tampa, Florida 33623-6064

    General Information:
    Customer Support:

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Last modified: December 05, 2002