The Golden Keytriever©                                                                               

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                                 To Order

 Please print this page fill in and mail to:
        Golden Keytriever
        P.O. Box 26064
        Tampa, Florida 33623-6064

Yes I would like to subscribe to the security of the Golden Keytriever system.  Enclosed is my check or money order for Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for a lifetime registration, please register a Golden Keytriever in my name and send me the brass Golden Keytriever tag. (Florida residents please add ninety [$.90] cents for state taxes)

Name        _________________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________________


City_______________________________  State    __________  Zip ______________

Golden Keytriever will immediately return your found keys to you but to relieve your feeling of loss, we would like to notify you of the recovery. Please provide the following:

Phone  _______________ E-Mail  ___________________________________

Golden Keytriever©

Golden Keytriever is a product of Joco International, Inc., Tampa, Florida. Providing security systems and communications consultancy since 1992. For further information contact: , Tel 813 977-0029 or Fax 813 977-8436

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Last modified: December 05, 2002