The Golden Keytriever©                                                                               

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Welcome to the Golden Keytriever web site. Golden Keytriever  is a lost key recovery  system offered by Joco International, Inc of Tampa Florida. Golden Keytriever recovers lost keys with a  simple concept.  Clients are provided with an elegant, jewelry quality bronze key tag containing a unique registration number and a request that any finder deposit the keys in a mail box.  

The tag also contains the address of the Golden Keytriever  registry  and a postage guarantee.  The Post Office delivers the "lost keys" to Golden Keytriever. When this set of "lost" keys is received at the Golden Keytriever Registry, the client is identified by the unique registration number and the keys are returned to the client. The  sophisticated application of this system shields the identity of the owner and the doors they will open while increasing the possibility that these keys will be returned to the owner in case they are lost. 

Use the Golden Keytriever system to register your keys and get an added  measure of security in case of loss. Your one time cost for this service is $14 plus $1 postage and handling costs. Send your Check or Money Order for $15 to:
            Golden Keytriever
            P. O. Box 26064
            Tampa, Florida 33623-6064 
Click here to place order.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Last modified: December 05, 2002